Henry tamburin. Good. Henry tamburin

 GoodHenry tamburin  He edited the monthly Blackjack Insider Newsletter, and was a featured blackjack columnist for Casino Player magazine, Midwest Gaming and Travel magazine,

79. He hosts the smartgaming. Henry Tamburin is a respectful gambling expert of blackjack and other casino games, including baccarat and craps; he is the author of many professional books where he describes and explains the most widely used gambling strategies and teaches people how to play and win casino games of their choice. com. Henry Tamburin – personal view on learning blackjack I remember the year 1969 very clearly because that is when Linda and I were living in graduate-student apartments at the University of Maryland. com. He is also an author, lecturer, and player. He is the author of the Ultimate Blackjack Strategy Guide, and Blackjack: Take The Money and Run. By Henry Tamburin Ph. When I was younger, nothing much bothered me when I played blackjack. 1: Play video poker games that have the highest Expected Return (ER). Melissa A. In May of 2005, the late Sammy Vaughn made history when he won a lump sum of one million dollars in the first ever million-dollar blackjack tournament (at the Las Vegas Hilton). Henry Tamburin is the author of the best-selling book, Blackjack: Take The Money and Run, editor of the Blackjack Insider e-Newsletter, and Lead Instructor for the Golden Touch Blackjack course. Henry wrote the book Blackjack: Take the Money and Run, which focuses on various counting methods and bankroll management so you can listen. He is the author of the Ultimate Blackjack Strategy Guide, and Blackjack: Take The Money and Run. is the editor of the Blackjack Insider e-Newsletter (and host of smartgaming. Melissa A. D. I was working on my PhD in organic chemistry and Linda was supporting us by working an 8‒5 job as a secretary in the Meteorological Department. Their. Henry Tamburin, Ph. com. com website and the editor of the Blackjack Insider newsletter. Mr Tamburin is not very highly thought of by many on this site, but this seems a stretch for even him. Henry Tamburin is the author of the best-selling book, Blackjack: Take The Money and Run, editor of the Blackjack Insider e-Newsletter, and Lead Instructor for the Golden Touch Blackjack course. Henry Tamburin is the author of the best-selling book, Blackjack: Take The Money and Run, editor of the Blackjack Insider e-Newsletter, and Lead Instructor for the Golden Touch Blackjack course. Melissa A. Henry Tamburin is the author of the best-selling book, Blackjack: Take The Money and Run, editor of the Blackjack Insider e-Newsletter, and Lead Instructor for the Golden Touch Blackjack course. He is the author of the Ultimate Blackjack Strategy Guide, and Blackjack: Take The Money and Run. This article is provided by the Frank Scoblete Network. Tamburin. read. This is part two of a two-part video in which blackjack expert Henry Tamburin discusses eight tips to become a winning blackjack player. Hitting a royal the hard way 8 May 2009 By Henry Tamburin. Henry Tamburin (Blackjack: Take the Money and Run!) and Frank Scoblete (Best Blackjack; The Armada Strategies for Spanish 21; and Winning Strategies at Blackjack) and blackjack software developers Dan Pronovost and Dom LoRiggio. Henry Tamburin is the author of the best-selling book, Blackjack: Take The Money and Run, editor of the Blackjack Insider e-Newsletter, and Lead Instructor for the Golden Touch Blackjack course. Tamburin's 25 years of experience playing and winning at casino craps. By Henry Tamburin Ph. He is editor of the Blackjack Insider e-Newsletter (visit his web site at This article is provided by the Frank Scoblete Network. Henry Tamburin is the author of the best-selling book, Blackjack: Take The Money and Run, editor of the Blackjack Insider e-Newsletter, and Lead Instructor for the Golden Touch Blackjack course. Henry Tamburin is the author of the best-selling book, Blackjack: Take The Money and Run, editor of the Blackjack Insider e-Newsletter, and Lead Instructor for the Golden Touch Blackjack course. Kaplan is the network's managing editor. He is the author of the Ultimate Blackjack Strategy Guide, and Blackjack: Take The Money and Run. Henry Tamburin is the author of the best-selling book, Blackjack: Take The Money and Run, editor of the Blackjack Insider e-Newsletter, and Lead Instructor for the Golden Touch Blackjack course. He is the author of the Ultimate Blackjack Strategy Guide, and Blackjack: Take The Money and Run. This article is provided by the Frank Scoblete Network. By Henry Tamburin. Blackjack expert, Henry Tamburin, gives details on the five most misplayed hands. Henry Tamburin is an accomplished blackjack player, editor of the Blackjack Insider newsletter, and host of He is a featured blackjack writer for numerous regional and national magazines. This month I’ll review the common blunders in Double Double Bonus (DDB). And in some casinos, the rules specify that dealers. Menu. Melissa A. Henry Tamburin explains exactly what a dealer does. Instead, Henry Tamburin, who is a top-notch gambling author, refers to the fact that most players could have much better winning odds at casinos if they relied on some basic strategy at least a bit. Henry Tamburin is one of world’s most respected blackjack experts and a world-class player. If you ranked the 34 hands from most frequent to less frequent, this. He is the host of the smartgaming. Kaplan is the network's managing editor. Henry Tamburin Ph. Visit Henry's web site at This article is provided by the Frank Scoblete Network. com website and the editor of the Blackjack Insider newsletter. D. Henry Tamburin is the editor of the Blackjack Insider newsletter For a free copy of his Casino Gambling Catalog call toll free 1-888-353-3234, or visit the web store at smartgaming. More Buying Choices $1. In this video, blackjack expert, Henry Tamburin, gives details on the five biggest blackjack myths. Henry Tamburin is the author of the best-selling book, Blackjack: Take The Money and Run, editor of the Blackjack Insider e-Newsletter, and Lead Instructor for the Golden Touch Blackjack course. Paperback. Henry Tamburin is the author of the best-selling book, Blackjack: Take The Money and Run, editor of the Blackjack Insider e-Newsletter, and Lead Instructor for the Golden Touch Blackjack course. He is the author of the Ultimate Blackjack Strategy Guide, and Blackjack: Take The Money and Run. Henry Tamburin is one of world’s most respected blackjack experts and a world-class player. com web site is owned by Henry Tamburin, blackjack expert and author of the immensely popular book, "Blackjack: Take the Money and Run" ( 30% off at ). Mar 12 2023 5 min. He edited the monthly. There are no shortage of tall tales in books and online about “breaking” blackjack codes and making millions overnight. He edited the monthly Blackjack Insider Newsletter, and was a featured blackjack columnist for Casino Player magazine, Midwest Gaming and Travel magazine,. Best-selling author Henry Tamburin explains why doubling down is the premier option for the blackjack player. The 18 could be “hard,” meaning the hand either doesn’t contain an ace, or if it does, the ace is counted as one. Henry Tamburin is the author of the best-selling book, Blackjack: Take The Money and Run, editor of the Blackjack Insider e-Newsletter, and Lead Instructor for the Golden Touch Blackjack course. Melissa A. Melissa A. Henry Tamburin is a blackjack and video poker expert. He is the author of the Ultimate Blackjack Strategy Guide, and Blackjack: Take The Money and Run. This article is provided by the Frank Scoblete Network. Henry Tamburin is the author of the best-selling book, Blackjack: Take The Money and Run, editor of the Blackjack Insider e-Newsletter, and Lead Instructor for the Golden Touch Blackjack course. He is the author of the Ultimate Blackjack Strategy Guide, and Blackjack: Take The Money and Run. This article is provided by the Frank Scoblete Network. He is the host of the smartgaming. D. Henry Tamburin is one of world’s most respected blackjack experts and a world-class player. Melissa A. Henry Tamburin, Ph. He edited the monthly Blackjack Insider Newsletter, and was a featured blackjack columnist for Casino Player magazine, Midwest Gaming and Travel magazine. You might know Henry Tamburin. 1: Play video poker games that have the highest Expected Return (ER). Wong went through the Frank Scoblete/Henry Tamburin “Golden Touch Dice Control” two-day seminar and received some private coaching and became a convert. Customer reviews. Some tables use single decks, others use from two up to eight decks of. D In the previous article in this series about my personal experiences with blackjack, I explained how I first learned how to play blackjack, and how I mastered the basic strategy (circa 1969). If you have the money, playing in the high roller room at $100 per decision is probably the best (long term way) to go. 5 points. Expected Return. Henry Tamburin Ph. D Henry Tamburin is one of world’s most respected blackjack experts and a world-class player. Henry Tamburin is one of world’s most respected blackjack experts and a world-class player. He is the author of the Ultimate Blackjack Strategy Guide, and Blackjack: Take The Money and Run. Henry Tamburin is the author of the best-selling book, Blackjack: Take The Money and Run, editor of the Blackjack Insider e-Newsletter, and Lead Instructor for the Golden Touch Blackjack course. com website and the editor of the Blackjack Insider newsletter. By Henry Tamburin The truth is, most typical blackjack players are suckers. This article is provided by the Frank Scoblete Network. com. I’ll start at the beginning as to why I decided to take. Craps: Take The Money And Run will teach you how to walk away from the tables with profits. In fact, it states that right on the layout. Henry Tamburin is the author of the best-selling book, Blackjack: Take The Money and Run, editor of the Blackjack Insider e-Newsletter, and Lead Instructor for the Golden Touch Blackjack course. Henry Tamburin is one of world’s most respected blackjack experts and a world-class player. Sammy won a million at blackjack. When you are dealt a pair of 4s in blackjack you have three viable playing options: Hit. If you would like to use this article on your website,. Henry Tamburin is one of world’s most respected blackjack experts and a world-class player. Good. Henry Tamburin is the author of the best-selling book, Blackjack: Take The Money and Run, editor of the Blackjack Insider e-Newsletter, and Lead Instructor for the Golden Touch Blackjack course. Know When to Double Down at the Blackjack Table . (Examples are 10-8, 8-5-5 and ace-4-10-3. Melissa A. Henry Tamburin is the author of the best-selling book, Blackjack: Take The Money and Run, editor of the Blackjack Insider e-Newsletter, and Lead Instructor for the Golden Touch Blackjack course. One correction: In the quiz, the answers to numbers 8 and 9 are switched — #8 should be Split and #9. He practiced sufficiently (described in the book) and he says he can beat the game. Melissa. Tamburin has been featured on radio and television, and he has written several books on casino gambling. He is the author of the Ultimate Blackjack Strategy Guide, and Blackjack: Take The Money and Run. By Henry Tamburin. This is the second part of a blackjack quiz prepared by my friend Fred Renzey, a contributing writer to my Blackjack Insider (BJI) e-newsletter and author of "Blackjack Bluebook II. com. Dr. Visit Henry's web site at This article is provided by the Frank Scoblete Network. Henry J. D. He is the author of the Ultimate Blackjack Strategy Guide, and Blackjack: Take The Money and Run. He is the host of the smartgaming. He is the author of the Ultimate Blackjack Strategy Guide, and Blackjack: Take The Money and Run. Henry Tamburin is one of world’s most respected blackjack experts and a world-class player. Henry Tamburin is one of world’s most respected blackjack experts and a world-class player. Henry Tamburin is one of world’s most respected blackjack experts and a world-class player. Blackjack card counting 101 - part 1. He edited the monthly Blackjack Insider Newsletter, and was a featured blackjack columnist for Casino Player magazine, Midwest Gaming and Travel magazine,. He edited the monthly Blackjack Insider Newsletter, and was a featured blackjack columnist for Casino Player magazine, Midwest Gaming and Travel magazine,. D. If you would. Blackjack expert, Henry Tamburin, gives details on the five most misplayed hands. Each article focuses on a particular casino game (blackjack, craps, slots, etc, ) with some advice on how to make the best play, reduce your odds, manage your money, and win more. Henry Tamburin is one of world’s most respected blackjack experts and a world-class player. Neither of these guys are the ones you should be learning to play blackjack from. If you would like to use this article on your website, please contact Casino City Press, the exclusive web syndication outlet for the Frank Scoblete Network. Here’s how this happened. He is the author of the Ultimate Blackjack Strategy Guide, and Blackjack: Take The Money and Run. Henry Tamburin is the author of the best-selling book, Blackjack: Take The Money and Run, editor of the Blackjack Insider e-Newsletter, and Lead Instructor for the Golden Touch Blackjack course. 18 ratings2 reviews. The course was created and developed by the best-selling gambling authors Dr. Henry Tamburin's most popular book on blackjack contains three levels of playing strategies. He is the author of the Ultimate Blackjack Strategy Guide, and Blackjack: Take The Money and Run. He is the author of the Ultimate Blackjack Strategy Guide, and Blackjack: Take The Money and Run. D. Henry Tamburin is one of world’s most respected blackjack experts and a world-class player. >Henry Tamburin; Henry Tamburin: Respected and Famous Gambling Author. . " Be forewarned, this is a. Henry Tamburin is a blackjack and video poker expert. Tamburin's 25 years of experience as a winning blackjack player. The expected return (ER) for an 8/5 Bonus Poker. Therefore, the only way to win at video poker is to either play a game that returns over 100 percent (such as playing a Full-Pay Deuces Wild game) or to take advantage of the casino’s cash back, free play and comps if you play a game that returns less than 100 percent. Henry Tamburin is one of world’s most respected blackjack experts and a world-class player. He is the author of the Ultimate Blackjack Strategy Guide, and Blackjack: Take The Money and Run. This article is provided by the Frank Scoblete Network. NON-INTUITIVE BASIC STRATEGY PLAYS By Henry Tamburin Most of the basic playing strategy is logical to players. The program alerts you when you make a playing mistake and keeps track of your playing accuracy. Henry Tamburin is the author of the best-selling book, Blackjack: Take The Money and Run, editor of the Blackjack Insider e-Newsletter, and Lead Instructor for the Golden Touch Blackjack course. Henry Tamburin is one of world’s most respected blackjack experts and a world-class player. The book contains three levels of playing strategies. He hosts the smartgaming. 75 Other new, used and collectible from $1. Henry Tamburin is a blackjack and video poker expert. Winning Baccarat Strategies: The First Effective Card Counting Systems for the Casino Game of Baccarat. Melissa A. He's a prolific writer, author of a bunch of books, and publisher of the popular Blackjack Insider e-Newsletter (to which Frank Scoblete contributes the monthly Atlantic City Blackjack Report). What about?Henry Tamburin, Ph. along with the entire community! Love - Mike and VinaHenry Tamburin is one of world’s most respected blackjack experts and a world-class player. By Henry Tamburin Note: I’ve received many inquiries from Casino Player readers about the new Ultimate Guide to Blackjack that I’ve written; therefore, I decided to make it the focus of my column this month. He is the author of the Ultimate Blackjack Strategy Guide, and Blackjack: Take The Money and Run. He is the author of the Ultimate Blackjack Strategy Guide, and Blackjack: Take The Money and Run. Henry Tamburin is one of world’s most respected blackjack experts and a world-class player. D. He is the host of the smartgaming. You’ll always win more money if. Kaplan is the network's managing editor. Henry Tamburin is the author of the best-selling book, Blackjack: Take The Money and Run, editor of the Blackjack Insider e-Newsletter, and Lead Instructor for the Golden Touch Blackjack course. Shining a light on some great (and not so great) blackjack games around the. 99 Only 4 left in stock - order soon. I’ll start at the beginning as to why I decided to take on this project. For example, players understand why they shouldn’t hit a 16 when the dealer shows a 6 upcard, or why they should split 8s. 5 global ratings. . Henry Tamburin is the author of six best-selling books, including Henry Tamburin on Casino Gambling–The Best of The Best. 95 (22 used & new offers) Reference Guide to Casino Gambling: How to Win. D Henry Tamburin is one of world’s most respected blackjack experts and a world-class player. “Look at all those people playing blackjack,” he said to me. . This article is provided by the Frank Scoblete Network. . 9 January 2016. is the editor of the Blackjack Insider e-Newsletter (and host of smartgaming. I used to read his weekly tips in the Atlantic City weekly and they were usually basic strategy plays like hit 16 vs 10, hit 12 vs 2 and 3 and hit soft 18 vs 10. Henry Tamburin is the author of the best-selling book, Blackjack: Take The Money and Run, editor of the Blackjack Insider e-Newsletter, and Lead Instructor for the Golden Touch Blackjack course. Henry Tamburin is the author of the best-selling book, Blackjack: Take The Money and Run, editor of the Blackjack Insider e-Newsletter, and Lead Instructor for the Golden Touch Blackjack course. Henry Tamburin is one of world’s most respected blackjack experts and a world-class player. com. Henry Tamburin, Ph. Tamburin's 25 years of experience as a winning blackjack player. Kaplan is the network's managing editor. By Henry Tamburin. 1Can 2Can. This article is provided by the Frank Scoblete Network. He is the author of the Ultimate Blackjack Strategy Guide, and Blackjack: Take The Money and Run. HENRY TAMBURIN ON CASINO GAMBLING contains 100 of the best articles on casino gambling written by gaming expert, Henry Tamburin. read. The ultimate blackjack quiz #2 21 December 2013 By Henry Tamburin. The real experts in blackjack and card counting are the guys like Arnold Snyder and Stanford Wong. com. The playing rules are often different from one casino to the next, and even within the same casino. is the editor of the Blackjack Insider e-Newsletter (and host of smartgaming. I’ve received many inquiries from Casino Player readers about the new Ultimate Guide to Blackjack that I’ve written; therefore, I decided to make it the focus of my column this month. “At one time they were all beginners. Henry Tamburin is the author of the best-selling book, Blackjack: Take The Money and Run, editor of the Blackjack Insider e-Newsletter, and Lead Instructor for the Golden Touch Blackjack course. He edited the monthly Blackjack Insider Newsletter, and was a featured blackjack columnist for Casino Player magazine, Midwest Gaming and Travel magazine,. Kaplan is the network's managing editor. He is the author of the Ultimate Blackjack Strategy Guide, and Blackjack: Take The Money and Run. Melissa A. ALWAYS DOUBLE DOWN ON A HARD 11. I believe him. Henry Tamburin, Ph. The step-by-step process of becoming an expert blackjack player By Henry Tamburin There is no magic bullet when it. . He is the author of the Ultimate Blackjack Strategy Guide, and Blackjack: Take The Money and Run. . D. I learned to play blackjack after I lost my meager bankroll in a casino on my very first trip to Las Vegas. Henry Tamburin proved this. Henry Tamburin is the author of the best-selling book, Blackjack: Take The Money and Run, editor of the Blackjack Insider e-Newsletter, and Lead Instructor for the Golden Touch Blackjack course. Henry Tamburin is the author of the best-selling book, Blackjack: Take The Money and Run, editor of the Blackjack Insider e-Newsletter, and Lead Instructor for the Golden Touch Blackjack course. He has over 700 articles to his credit, and he is. com. Most important in this discussion is to understand that basic calls for hitting A7 vs. He edited the monthly Blackjack Insider Newsletter, and was a featured blackjack columnist for Casino Player magazine, Midwest Gaming and Travel magazine,. Melissa A. Kaplan is the network's managing editor. 10 December 2016 By Henry Tamburin That’s a strange title for an article on blackjack. Henry Tamburin on Casino Gambling - The Best of The Best $36. You pop the CD program into your home computer and you can practice playing any video poker game. from: $3. I reformatted the concept then took it to our Marketing and Executive Committees where it. He is the author of the Ultimate Blackjack Strategy Guide, and Blackjack: Take The Money and Run. Melissa A. com website and is the editor of the Blackjack Insider newsletter. Written by Henry Tamburin Ph. read. Kaplan is the network's managing editor. is editor of the Blackjack Insider e-Newsletter (and host of smartgaming. He hosts the smartgaming. 4 min. Take your game to the next level. is the editor of the Blackjack Insider e-Newsletter and host of smartgaming. Henry Tamburin is one of world’s most respected blackjack experts and a world-class player. Mar 12 2023. The SmartGaming. He edited the monthly Blackjack Insider Newsletter, and was a featured blackjack columnist for Casino Player magazine, Midwest Gaming and Travel magazine,. is the editor of the Blackjack Insider e-Newsletter (and host of smartgaming. This article is provided by the Frank Scoblete Network. Henry Tamburin is the author of the best-selling book, Blackjack: Take The Money and Run, editor of the Blackjack Insider e-Newsletter, and Lead Instructor for the Golden Touch Blackjack course. Blackjack: Take The Money And Run will teach you how to consistantly walk away from. American Casino Guide author, Steve Bourie, interviews blackjack expert, Henry Tamburin, for tips on how to be a long-term winner at blackjack. Tamburin is the author of Blackjack (3. I certainly remember seeing Treasure Tunnel machines in the. NON-INTUITIVE BASIC STRATEGY PLAYS By Henry Tamburin Most of the basic playing strategy is logical to players. Melissa A. Melissa A. He edited the monthly Blackjack Insider Newsletter, and was a featured blackjack columnist for Casino Player magazine, Midwest Gaming and Travel magazine,. Henry Tamburin Archives; Books by Henry Tamburin . Aug 22 2023 The Importance of Evaluating Your Results in Blackjack. This casino card game is regarded as the #1 attraction at land-based and online casinos. This article is provided by the Frank Scoblete Network. Henry Tamburin is the author of the best-selling book, Blackjack: Take The Money and Run, editor of the Blackjack Insider e-Newsletter, and Lead Instructor for the Golden Touch Blackjack course. This article is provided by the Frank Scoblete Network. The Achievements of Henry Tamburin in Gambling. These machines are a combination shuffler and dealing shoe that contain 4 (or sometimes 5) decks of cards. Kaplan is the network's managing editor. Melissa A. Henry Tamburin is the author of the best-selling book, Blackjack: Take The Money and Run, editor of the Blackjack Insider e-Newsletter, and Lead Instructor for the Golden Touch Blackjack course. For example, when I was playing blackjack recently the dealer inadvertently gave a fellow player a hit card (which was exposed) even though he had given a hand signal to stand. The procedures are essential to ensure the security and. is a blackjack and video poker expert. INTERVIEW WITH MR. By Henry Tamburin. Sammy won a million at blackjack. He is the author of the Ultimate Blackjack Strategy Guide, and Blackjack: Take The Money and Run. Many casinos have installed continuous shuffling machines (CSM) on their blackjack tables. What about?Gambling author and blackjack expert Henry Tamburin answers some of the most common questions that players have about card counting in blackjack. 99. A reader sent me this e-mail: If the remaining cards are rich in 10s and aces, doesn't the dealer have as much chance to get them as the players? So how does the player have the edge in this situation?Henry Tamburin is one of world’s most respected blackjack experts and a world-class player. Melissa A. American Casino Guide author, Steve Bourie, interviews blackjack expert, Henry Tamburin, for tips on how to be a long-term winner at blackjack. Suppose you are playing a S17, DAS game and you are dealt 10-6 and the dealer shows a 10 upcard. Wong on Dice is a testimonial to the fact that dice control works. 26 May 2018. How to Play Ultimate X Video Poker. He edited the monthly Blackjack Insider Newsletter, and was a featured blackjack columnist for Casino Player magazine, Midwest Gaming and Travel magazine,. Henry Tamburin, on the other hand, seems to offer much better advice more of the time. Henry Tamburin: I received an e-mail from a reader who stated she saw an interesting side bet at a blackjack table where players were betting on a certain number of consecutive winning hands. Henry Tamburin is the author of the best-selling book, Blackjack: Take The Money and Run, editor of the Blackjack Insider e-Newsletter, and Lead Instructor for the Golden Touch Blackjack course. Henry Tamburin is the author of the best-selling book, Blackjack: Take The Money and Run, editor of the Blackjack Insider e-Newsletter, and Lead Instructor for the Golden Touch Blackjack course. Henry is a writer. 99. Henry Tamburin is the author of the best-selling book, Blackjack: Take The Money and Run, editor of the Blackjack Insider e-Newsletter, and Lead Instructor for the Golden Touch Blackjack course. This article is provided by the Frank Scoblete Network. Henry Tamburin is one of world’s most respected blackjack experts and a world-class player. Henry Tamburin is the author of the best-selling book, Blackjack: Take The Money and Run, editor of the Blackjack Insider e-Newsletter, and Lead Instructor for the Golden Touch Blackjack course. is the editor of the Blackjack Insider e-Newsletter (and host of smartgaming. Henry Tamburin: You are on the defensive most of the time when you play blackjack. com. He edited the monthly Blackjack Insider Newsletter, and was a featured blackjack columnist for Casino Player magazine, Midwest Gaming and Travel magazine. In 1969 my wife Linda and I were living in graduate-student apartments at the University of Maryland. Kaplan is the network's managing editor. Henry Tamburin is the author of the best-selling book, Blackjack: Take The Money and Run, editor of the Blackjack Insider e-Newsletter, and Lead Instructor for the Golden Touch Blackjack course. 99 Only 4 left in stock - order soon. is host of smartgaming. DDB is the most popular video poker game in the country. Henry Tamburin is the author of the best-selling book, Blackjack: Take The Money and Run, editor of the Blackjack Insider e-Newsletter, and Lead Instructor for the Golden Touch Blackjack course. Henry Tamburin is one of world’s most respected blackjack experts and a world-class player. 4. Henry Tamburin is the author of the best-selling book, Blackjack: Take The Money and Run, editor of the Blackjack Insider e-Newsletter, and Lead Instructor for the Golden Touch Blackjack course. Tip No. In this video, blackjack expert, Henry Tamburin, gives details on the five biggest blackjack myths. Melissa A. He edited the monthly Blackjack Insider Newsletter, and was a featured blackjack columnist for Casino Player magazine, Midwest Gaming and Travel magazine,. com. 1 May 2009 By Henry Tamburin The casino game of blackjack has its procedures, codes of conduct and playing strategies. This article is provided by the Frank Scoblete Network. Henry Tamburin 2016-02-02 01:32:30. Henry Tamburin is the author of the best-selling book, Blackjack: Take The Money and Run, editor of the Blackjack Insider e-Newsletter, and Lead Instructor for the Golden Touch Blackjack course. Visit his website at This article is provided by the Frank Scoblete Network. Topics covered include: the dealer always has a 10 as his. He is the author of the Ultimate Blackjack Strategy Guide, and Blackjack: Take The Money and Run. Henry Tamburin is one of world’s most respected blackjack experts and a world-class player. Visit This article is provided by the Frank Scoblete Network. For the 19 th consecutive year, Max Rubin hosted the Blackjack Ball at a secret location in Las Vegas. The payout is big. HENRY TAMBURIN ON CASINO GAMBLING contains 100 of the best articles on casino gambling written by gaming expert, Henry Tamburin. But now that I'm a "senior," I'm getting grumpier (at least that's what my wife tells me), and that includes when I play blackjack. Henry Tamburin is the author of the best-selling book, Blackjack: Take The Money and Run, editor of the Blackjack Insider e-Newsletter, and Lead Instructor for the Golden Touch Blackjack course. He is the author of the Ultimate Blackjack Strategy Guide, and Blackjack: Take The Money and Run. He edited the monthly Blackjack Insider Newsletter, and was a featured blackjack columnist for Casino Player magazine, Midwest Gaming and Travel magazine,. If you would like to use this article on your website, please contact Casino City. He insists that splitting 8s against a dealer up card of either 9, 10 or ace is nuts because you are probably going to lose anyway, so why double your loss by splitting?Henry Tamburin is the author of the best-selling book, Blackjack: Take The Money and Run, editor of the Blackjack Insider e-Newsletter, and Lead Instructor for the Golden Touch Blackjack course. By Henry Tamburin. is the editor of the Blackjack Insider e-Newsletter (and host of smartgaming. Henry Tamburin is the author of the best-selling book, Blackjack: Take The Money and Run, editor of the Blackjack Insider e-Newsletter, and Lead Instructor for the. Henry Tamburin is the editor of Blackjack Insider Newsletter (To receive his free Casino Gambling Catalog visit This article is provided by the Frank Scoblete Network. On the other hand, I’m not convinced that this is a worthwhile counting system to learn. Henry Tamburin is one of world’s most respected blackjack experts and a world-class player. I glanced at someone playing it and it sure looked different than the regular Jacks or BetterWith Jacks-or-Better, the best payoff for the full house and flush is 9 coins and 6 coins, respectively, per coin played (known as 9/6 Jacks-or-Better). 99 $ 36. Henry Tamburin explains how to play in blackjack tournaments. 3) The advanced level playing strategy is a powerful system that will. Henry Tamburin is the author of the best-selling book, Blackjack: Take The Money and Run, editor of the Blackjack Insider e-Newsletter, and Lead Instructor for the Golden Touch Blackjack course. . These proven techniques have been taught to thousands of individuals. Home. D. In this video Blackjack expert Henry Tamburin discusses four confusing hands where a player's first thought may not be the correct way to play the hand prope. $36.